Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Scattered or Focused?

May 2012. I was at pretty hyped up business meeting.  The kind that makes you think you are in the US of A, in a pep talk before a football match, with the cheerleaders there as well. Very un - British! but I loved it.

My biggest take away from that meeting was this:

Consider a 100 watt laser and a 100 watt bulb. Both the same energy, but one is harmless, the other incredibly powerful.
Tweet: Being focused beats being scattered the same as Laser beats lightbulb
One you can stare at or touch, the other you definitely wouldn't. It can cut through your flesh as if it was warm butter!
The lightbulb's weakness is due too its wattage going in all directions, and that's what I've been like in this blog (all 4 years of it). I am multi passionate, after all. But that means I've been spreading myself thin and thus hampered my own results. I have resisted this truth long enough. Ah, damned resistance from within!

I have decided to go in one direction at a time.

I have now built a new blog, where I will explore entrepreneurship and neuroscience.Nothing else.  Not my music, not my writing,  not my muses.
Each of these may appear in future in a dedicated blog but time will tell.

This means this may well be my last post on Rudiano's Random Ramblings for quite a while.

But I don't like goodbyes!  Follow me to Rethinkentrepreneur.com

A bit more about what you'll find there: thoughts and tips about working smart instead of just desperately hard, insights on how our brain works and how the commercial world has been leveraging this and also best practice for the 21st century entrepreneur.

Catch you later!

Rudiano, real name Ruddy (euugh)

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About the Author :

"Citizen of the world, believer, workafrolic, multipassionate vagabond out to turn his talents into business ventures. Will he do it? Stay tuned."

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