I have heard and read a lot about finding one's passion, finding what the heck we are so good at that it makes us perhaps stand head and shoulders above the rest.
The idea is if you discover this je ne sais quoi, this Unique Selling Point that you have, you can use it and make yourself more attractive and relevant not only to clients or prospective employers but to anyone you would come in contact with. Because you would be crystal clear about how you can be most valuable to others.
Some people seem to know quite early on in their life what they are passionate about, and stay that way. Others tend to have multiple passions that fluctuate and evolve with time, which make it difficult for them to identify what they are really about.
But even for those, there is a pattern in their life. There is a hobby, an interest that has outlived all the jobs they have ever had. There is one or several activities they turn to whenever they need to invigorate themselves.
What if you cannot find this pattern/hobby/activity? It could be that you are looking for the wrong thing. It may not be a specific subject matter like Science, Literature or Business. It could just be that you relish making a difference in people's lives by putting order in their affairs, making them laugh, inspiring them, educating them, healing them, understanding them, uplifting them...or a combination thereof.
This is a non exhaustive list, by the way.
It can take some time to discover our own wirings. Why? Let me put this to you: how many times have you heard it said that "you're here to do a job", implying that your personal values have to stay at the door?
Is it any wonder that, in an effort to please everyone, we bury our preferences deep within ourselves and gradually lose our own sense of identity?
All isn't lost though. Reconnect with yourself!
Take 15 mns to answer these questions:
- What have you done for as long as you can remember that energizes you when you feel drained?
- What would you enjoy doing everyday if money was no object?
- Create your 30 second video of it to help you crystallise it in your brain.
Remember, it doesn't have to be just one thing. I personally have several, some of which are in this video.Create yours here, it's free!
If you feel like it, leave a comment with the link to the video you created. Let's start a trend!
Here's mine for inspiration
Try our video maker at Animoto.