Showing posts with label scientific method. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scientific method. Show all posts

Friday, 22 October 2010

Why we shouldn't lap up the idea we come from monkeys

I tell you what, Science has Tourette's.
Good character in general, coming out with really fascinating, logical and useful stuff, but peppered with uncontrollable tics. Let me explain.

My Biology teacher always stressed that the scientific method is to observe a phenomenon, formulate assumptions, test the assumption's validity and then go with what the results tell you.

If vaccines were not properly tested before use on a massive scale, what disaster may have ensued? What happened when Asbestos entered the commercial world without thorough testing? Thousands of deaths. People were obsessed by what they could get out of it, never mind the consequences to themselves or others.

I feel Science kills people too. It has enabled tremendous technological, medical advancements but in the same breath, it had snuffed out people's belief in a higher purpose, turned them into meaningless beings who really just ought to be concerned with their own individual survival...and guess what, that's not even scientific. All that has been discovered since Darwin doesn't validate the theory of Evolution. And yet the majority of the scientific community still promote it as an established fact.

There is a burden of scientific proof against evolution out there though. Here is just a part of it.

An occurrence is considered to be impossible if it has a probability of one chance in 10 to the power of 50 (1 followed by 50 zeros) to happen. Bear this in mind... Let's call it "The impossibility figure".

The probability of a simple protein appearing by accident (that’s just ONE important part of the living cell, found in DNA for instance) is 10 to the power of 113 (1 followed by 113 zeros), even less possible than the impossible!

The probability of ONE other simple yet crucial part of the DNA, the histone, appearing by chance is calculated to 20 to the power of 200... 2 followed by 200 zeros!!! Now what was the impossibility figure again?

Spontaneous generation has been proved to be false since Louis Pasteur. Life cannot spring from non living matter.

E=MC2. Energy transforms into mass and vice-versa. The tremendous energy needed to kick start the universe must have come from a source, perhaps a mass, perhaps something or someone. It can’t come from nothing.

There is no documented evidence in the fossil records that species slowly evolved. It actually shows that different species appeared fully- formed and distinct to each other, rather suddenly in the pre-Cambrian layer


Well really, this is worse than Tourette's. Tourette's syndrome is not deliberate and the person suffering from it is only too aware that it is a disease.



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