Well yes, it's only been a couple of days but this blog thing is too enticing so here I am again!
So.... In the last blog I attempted to explain why I write. I say "attempt" because really, I'm only reacting to an impulse. Simples!
Now, WHAT am I currently writing? A Fiction novel called " The Equation of everything".
Sounds a tiny bit ambitious doesn't it? Maybe. I'm no scientist so I've been researching this elusive equation. No one seems to have cracked it yet, so I guess this leaves plenty of space for imagination.
The Equation of Everything would predict how everything works in the universe, on the sub atomic as well as the galactic scale. It would be a principle that is found to be true in every situations without exception. To the person working out this equation (It's definitely going to be longer than E=MC2), the physical Universe will have no secret. He/She will be able to predict everything, in every situation.
That's all I'm gonna say about the What.
Peace out